Lise Charlotte Berg

Lise Charlotte Berg


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    Research interests

    Cartilage, joint disease, stem cells, cell differentiation, chondrogenesis, athletic performance, inflammation, regenerative medicine, sport horses

    Research biography

    Since February 1 2014 I have been Associate Professor of Applied Clinical Biomedical Science at the Department of Large Animal Science in Section of Medicine and Surgery. We are located at the large animal facility and hospital in Tåstrup, where our labs are in close proximity to the clinics, clinicians, and patients.

    Before this, I was a member of faculty at Department of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences first as Assistant Professor of Veterinary Biochemistry, and from July 1 2011 - 2014 as Associate Professor of Veterinary Anatomy.

    In the summer of 2008 I received a 3-year post doctoral fellowship from the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences for a project focusing on two areas: events in early chondrogenesis, and mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage repair. As part of my fellowship project I spent 5 months at Cornell University, USA, in the group of Dr. L. A. Fortier in 2011.

    In the summer of 2013, our group received funding for a 3-year project from the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences: Selection of the best possible cell source for cell therapy in orthopaedic disorders – tissue formation potential and response to an inflammatory micro-environment. I am principal investigator on the project.

    I am group leader for the research group: Equine Molecular Orthopaedics - please follow the link for more information on our current research and projects.

    ID: 4344114